Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Mabinogi.Nexon.Net (Second Wave Beta)


Mabinogi is where I have been spending alot of free time. You can catch me on Yahoo messenger or through My space occasionally. I still play and usually come in under the radar as invisible (PM off) as I am only 16 quests from the quest cape, running high at combat 92 and Mage 76, Defense running 73- and working on being a MAGE TANK...

Nabolshia in Mabinogi...


Mabinogi is set in a Celtic past with Welsh influences, it is very much like Runescape however, the leveling system needs work. You skill for AP then spend AP to level your skills. Well theres a ton of skills and not enought time to make AP. Some skills require 3 Ap to level, maging is expensive but the quests are cool in a full 3d interactive world.

TEAMING is very much a part of Mabinogi life...


There are QUESTS that level your stats just like Runescape, as well as mining, woodcutting, firemaking.. people rely on others with high skill in diffrent field to make a good party.. all know combat but each has thier own skill speciality, like CAMPFIRES, HEALING, MAGING, COOKING, to provide the others with support...


The graphics are unbelievable! And the movement through the world is fluid, I don't experience lag or screen loads in combat - run, turn and return cover fire (ranging)...I also run it in a separate window to save on overworking my computer processor.

Its a large and crazy world, where you use moongates (that only open on the moon) that teleport you to far away towns and lands.. there is day and night and you age one year every week, which gives you more AP...


I made a video and theres a Runescape video coming it is in reedit mode as it was too large for Youtube to handle, i'll be posting them here as well as soon as they're finished and approved! Nabolshia is also my Youtube account and my name in Mabinogi, go figure...


You don't have to team but your odds are better... some of the heavies and bosses are just out walking around..and you earn titles that give you bonuses for doing special tasks or finishing certain checkpoints... the world is totally free roam.


The game is free for life. Your character lives to be 300 or so, and then if you want to keep him going you buy a character card and tranfer his scores and skills to a new level one in the same name.. and boom your off and running again!

Mabinogi is an 892 Meg Download, running through GAMEGUARD client, the same protection software provided by MAPLESTORY through NEXON. Very well done...They don't BAN, MUTE or BLOCK here unless you are way out of line! Some words can be said that you can't in Runescape, and you can share E-mail and contact info with others at your own discretion. I advise not doing so with just anyone- If your gonna try it out, keep your mind clear or you'll forget about RUNESCAPE forever...

It very hard, but i have tons of friends in RS. SVHG! If you decide to try it out I live in the World Tarchal and travel on channel 5.. maybe we'll go on an OGRE hunt.

Leave comments and I'll get back with you, or mail me at:

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